Sewing For Fun and Profit..or Fun

Make It SewWelcome to Sew Traditional!  Sew Traditional is a place where we discuss fashion, sewing, sewing for fun, and fun stuff. Or mostly fun stuff. I may talk about my house. Regardless, you will be subjected to my random neural firings at all times.  You have been warned.

Currently, we have planned videos and tutorials showing you how to do many  sewing techniques to save you time and sanity. I have a family, a busy life, and a limited budget of time and money.  I cannot tackle any and all sewing projects, nor do I have a dedicated sewing space. This blog/videos will not be an obvious product of a single woman with a trust fund and lots of time nor will we quilt, as good a hobby as that it is.  We will instead focus on projects doable inside the limits of family life and on practical sewing problems.

What I will share is what I’ve come up with to get clothing and other useful projects done. Working with small spaces, coping with pattern directions, what’s the best use of  machinery, etc. As time goes on, I’m hopeful I can hear the best of  your solutions. Again welcome and let’s chat when we can.